This weekend saw the celebration of our ‘Ocean’s 14’ quarterly theme with a Casino night at the office, complete with pulled pork burgers, a hosted poker tournament and plenty of banter.

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Ocean’s 14 Casino Night

Each quarter at Hastwell we rally the whole business behind a single critical number that represents the most important thing for the business to grow. It could be bringing on new customers, increasing billable hours, improving documentation – but its always aligned with our most important quarterly rock in our strategy.

We set our critical number and build a quarterly theme around it – often based off a movie or TV show. We reward and incentivise throughout the quarter as we hit our targets and whether or not we reach our stretch goals, we always celebrate together at the end.

This weekend saw the celebration of our ‘Ocean’s 14’ quarterly theme, in which each of the Hastwell staff brought their key skills and abilities together to develop new product and service offerings to take to market.

We celebrated a Casino night at the office, complete with pulled pork burgers, a hosted poker tournament and plenty of banter. Naturally, the fun continued Monday morning as everyone recounted their stories from the night.

Do you run quarterly themes in your business? How do you celebrate?